
Because the real hero of Art Vinyl is the record sleeves themselves, we run a program of exhibitions that celebrate the best in sleeve design.


Mute Records


Mute Record cover art 1978-84

Together with Mute Records, Art Vinyl put on an exhibition of the post-punk era. What was previously regarded as a grey and shapeless period, significant only for the rise of Thatcherism and the beginnings of turbo-charged consumerism, is now regarded as a period of creative fertility, cool style and one of the last eruptions of a truly independent pop culture.

Revisiting Mute cover art from the late 1970s and early 1980s is undeniably nostalgic. But this is not the nostalgia of the National Trust, warm beer and cricket. This is nostalgia for edgier, more uncertain times. Nostalgia for a time before bands were thought of as brands. Nostalgia for a time when anything seemed possible.